Marys Race~ is everybody’s race! A race to improve upon aspects within our own lives and encourage one another to believe in themselves. Each of us has a unique purpose in this world, and yet we allow so many things to hold us back. The greatest hindrance of all is the inability or reluctance to believe in ourselves and one another.
There’s no way around it people need people. Yet, as humans we are often hardest on ourselves which can eventually cause us to be hard on others too. We have a tendency to choose not to talk about our faults or failings, how we may feel inadequate, or how we may need help overcoming something so we can feel empowered again. It’s really quite sad. We are all imperfect people, living in an imperfect world, walking along imperfect trails. What one person might see as a weakness, a barrier, another person may have the insight to know how to help that individual turn it into a blessing and a gift for both themselves and others.
We all have aspects of our life that we’ve overcome and other areas that continue to challenge us daily. We need to know that others care and are supportive. We need to know that we can count on people to be kind, loving, and compassionate. And yes, sometimes we need people to literally take us under their wings to share what they have learned and what has helped them, so we don’t give up. We need people everyday, not only to fill our hope cups but every bit as much we need to feel we can fill up their cup with hope. It’s just the way life works.
We need people to give us Strength and we need to pass on our own Strength to others. We need people to share their Courage and we need to share our Courage with others. We need people to Believe in us, we need to Believe in other people and we need to Believe in ourselves. These are key elements that inspire and foster hope which lends to overcoming anything we might face in life.
Our paths, or the course of the race for each of us might not be the same. Our race, our trails, our paths may be as unique as our own set of footprints. Yet, at the core of our humanness, the things we face along the path – rocky roads, mountains, valleys and in-climate weather all have the capacity to confront and effect our hearts and souls in similar ways.
We need each other to help us reach the varied finish lines in life. We need people to reach out a hand when we stumble, fall or hit that infamous wall in the marathon of life. Whether we are the one on the receiving or giving end of a “hand-up”, these are both times that present us with amazing opportunity’s to change, overcome, grow and transform lives so we can run any race set before us to the best of our ability which will ensure we cross that finish-line. And when our foot crosses that finish-line, we’ll find ourselves inspired to lovingly pass the blessing baton on to someone else in need with great hope, love and enthusiasm.